Once a year, during the month of December, we bring a special offering—one that requires sacrifice and one that builds a legacy for future generations. This offering enables us to take a giant leap forward in fulfilling the big opportunities God has placed before us.

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Because I have set my heart on the house of my God, I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house…Who among you is ready and willing to join in the giving?

1 Chronicles 29:3-6


The thrust of our Legacy Offering focuses on areas that impact local, national and international missions.

1. Local Missions:
We believe that first and foremost, God has called us to our city. So often, churches are guilty of reaching for their world but ignoring their own backyard. That’s why Heartland is committed to making a difference in our city by doing everything that we can to impact those around us.

2. International Missions:
Through our strategic partnerships, we have the opportunity to help build the cause of Christ, raise up more leaders and plant more churches in the most critical places on earth. Including nations like India, Uganda, Israel and Mexico, our investment touches the heart of our loving God (John 3:16) and responds to the cry of Jesus to “go into all the world” (Matthew 28:19).

3. National Missions:
We believe that God has called us to extend the gospel not only to our city, but to our nation as well.

As a result, Heartland has formed a strategic relationship and is a member of ARC — The Association of Related Churches. ARC is not a denominational affiliation, but instead, a church-planting network that strategically vets and plants churches around the nation. Instead of giving directly into church plants, HC sows into ARC, which vets, trains, and strategically sows money into ARC plants who then pay back the interest-free loan over a period of years so that other churches can be planted.

Through our partnership with ARC, we’ve seen dozens of churches start with ministry friends in states like Michigan, Ohio, Arkansas, New York and Texas.

Another way, we sow into national missions is when tragedy strikes, we believe that the church should be the first to respond. Whether it’s a hurricane, tornado, fire or flood, HC has partnered with Convoy of Hope and is training and has trained an emergency response team at HC ready in a moment’s notice when disaster strikes. Each year, HC is committed to sowing into Convoy as well as sending HC partners through trainings that prepare us.

4. Next Generations:

Heartland Church believes in the Next Generation. So much so that we’ve added it to one of our Legacy Lanes. Whether it’s supporting a student in scholarships to be able to attend an event or opening up the church doors for Reveal Conference so that over 800 students can worship the name of Jesus, HC will always be a church that pours into the Next Generation. We also have a huge investment into Now Youth Camp, which started over twenty years ago in Alvin, Texas. We believe that out of those Youth Camps students will find their purpose and do the thing that God is calling them to do.

5. Heartland Church:
 This offering accelerates vision that we share here at Heartland—to start new future campuses and see more people come into a saving relationship with Jesus.

Legacy Annual Report

Each year we celebrate all that God has done through Heartland Church, not only to say thank you for your generosity but to thank God for using us in our community, city, nation and world. The best part is, the best is yet to come!

Click on the button below to read our Annual Report and help us celebrate all God has done.