Are you facing a challenging situation at the moment? Because of the finished work of Jesus at the cross, today, you can come boldly to the throne of grace with your cares and obtain mercy in your time of need (Hebrews 4:16)!

Heartland Church wants you to know that we care deeply about what’s going on in your life. Each request that is sent to us is emailed to our prayer intercessors. When you mark your prayers as confidential, it is sent only to the members of the pastoral team and prayer ministry team leads.

The Bible tells us that the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and that His ears are open to their prayers (1 Peter 3:12). No matter what you may be going through today, know that the moment you pray, God hears you!

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Jamie Montgomery

My step daughter Nichole is bipolar and will not seek help. She is out of control and about to lose her husband and sons because of it. Please pray that she will see we only care for her and want her to seek help and support. My coworkers daughter Danielle who is 25 has been very ill and will be going in for a biopsy tomorrow. Please pray for them and their families.

Received: December 17, 2017

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Prayer to sell my car and get another one cash (my daughter had an accident in it and damaged the front end) It's been almost a month now. God knows the circumstance. Also grateful that God has provided rides this long!

Received: December 10, 2017

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Janette Todd

A few months ago the doctor discovered cancer in my brother-in-law, Lowell Todd. Recently the doctor told him to enjoy the holidays because unless a miracle he would only live through them. The family has called in Hospice. I would appreciate prayers for him & his family. Thanks. Janette Todd

Received: November 26, 2017

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Linda Cooper

My daughter with two pre-school daughters has symptoms for which she had an MRI of her head and upper back yesterday to try to diagnose. We pray the MRI will rule out brain tumors, MS, or anything life-threatening. The doctor must be suspecting MS, since he had on the order to diagnose MS. We are in prayer that whatever it is will be healed; if not healed she is able to live with whatever the condition is and raise her girls. Due to her husband's job transfer, they are in a new church in a new city and I know they will find support there if needed. This mother needs your prayers for her daughter and her little family.

Received: October 26, 2017

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Debra spiegel

Please pray for healing for my mom. She suffered a mild heart attack with some damage to the heart. Praying and believing for complete recovery and restoration. I know my God is able.

Received: October 21, 2017

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Mary Nixon

Praise Report!!!

Praise the Lord; my brain and orbit MRI scans came back totally normal and clear. I am so thankful to Jehovah Rapha, our Healer, and to my church family and faithful prayer warriors who continually covered me in prayer and with encouragement for the last several days. I love each of you!

Received: October 17, 2017

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Sherry Childs

Please pray against pain in both of my knees and shoulders. Also please speak to all blood clots, that formed as the result of a pulmonary embolism, be dissolved and removed entirely from my body. Thank you.

Received: October 15, 2017

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Linda Roden

My step-grandson, Alaric Ely, is experiencing a pneumothorax. Alaric is 17 years old and a very sweet young man. They are expecting to do surgery this week but won't make the decision until tomorrow. Feels like a heart attack. Pray for complete healing.

Received: October 10, 2017

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Mary Nixon

Please pray for my husband, Steve Nixon, who is having some extreme dental issues he is currently being treated for. Also, he has a interview this Friday at 8:30 AM for a new job opportunity. Please stand with me as I trust and believe God for healing, favor, prosperity and His perfect will and plan for my husband.

Please pray for our steadfast and selfless friend and prayer warrior, Patricia Balasny, who so faithfully prays for each of us in spite of the season she is currently walking through. May she always know that God has her in the palm of His hand and may she always feel his comfort, peace and presence as she continues trusting Him for total healing and restoration of her body. We claim her healing in Jesus' mighty and precious name; Amen and Amen!

Received: September 6, 2017

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Please pray for God's covering of my broken heart. I am struggling with my "new normal" since my husband moved out in March. With school starting, I am learning that I have to ask for help because being a single mom is HARD and asking for help is hard. My pride is in my own way. Please pray for financial covering as well, as I am living in a very expensive area in order for my son to be able to finish school with his friends and community. (I didn't want to have to move him on top of breaking up his family!). This journey has been an emotionally tough one for all of us. Thank you!

Received: August 30, 2017

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