Are you facing a challenging situation at the moment? Because of the finished work of Jesus at the cross, today, you can come boldly to the throne of grace with your cares and obtain mercy in your time of need (Hebrews 4:16)!

Heartland Church wants you to know that we care deeply about what’s going on in your life. Each request that is sent to us is emailed to our prayer intercessors. When you mark your prayers as confidential, it is sent only to the members of the pastoral team and prayer ministry team leads.

The Bible tells us that the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and that His ears are open to their prayers (1 Peter 3:12). No matter what you may be going through today, know that the moment you pray, God hears you!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Mary Nixon

Two quick things.....

1) Praise report!!! I start a new 6 month consulting opportunity tomorrow and am praying it culminates into a full-time opportunity this summer. Thanks to each of you for your encouragement and steadfast prayer and support; it has truly meant so much!

2) Prayer requests:

a) Please pray and stand in agreement with me that God uses me as He intends through this opportunity and equips me with wisdom, knowledge, grace and discernment in order to successfully fulfill my responsibilities.

b) Please pray for my grandson, Noah, who was recently diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. His sugar levels are continually fluctuating which makes this disease more complex and difficult to manage. Please pray for his mom, Lauren, and her fiance, Michael, as they continue adjusting to this new chapter in Noah's life. They desperately need God, now more than ever, and my prayer is this season will be a turning point in their lives to lean in, and move toward, our one true Source.

Thank you so much, love and blessings to all!

Received: January 7, 2018

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